The Prop Wishlist: What I Wish I Could Have

So far, 2015 has been all about movies. If you notice my blog, most of its content is a film review, or an anticipation for one. I’m trying to diversify my content to keep this blog active when I’m incapable of reviewing a film, so prepare for quite a lot of randomness coming your way.

Conveniently enough, while I was on the verge of this realization, Invaluable asked me an interesting question that I was quick to jump on to (I thought it was fun and easy, but it was HARD to think about). As the title suggests, I was asked “What is Your Favorite Movie Prop?” and it’s as if my brain went nuts digging up memories of film that have stuck to me.

I’ve gone way back to Citizen Kane to as recent as Paper Towns and came up with this shortlist. I’m a geeky person myself, and I could not let go of the amazing props used in sci-fi films – I even have the Batmobile in the upcoming Batman vs. Superman as part of the list! – but of course I had to be realistic. Without further ado, please find my Top 10 Prop Wishlist (as of the moment).

10. Sherlock Holmes’ Gun

Yes, I know. A weird movie prop to choose, but it’s something that I’ve always wanted. I was thinking about Dr. Watson’s pocket watch, but the gun seems more sensible and reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes. To me, it’s part of what defines him as a detective. It was a very important tool for Holmes especially when he was running around chasing culprits. There’s quite a lot of other guns I’d like to have – like the ones in the Three Musketeers starring Logan Lerman – but this one is the easiest to have (even for replicas).

9. Spiderman’s Spider Suit

Don’t tell me you don’t want it? I mean, it’s one of the most intricately designed superhero costumes. I just want to put it on display on my wall!

8. The Lovely Bones’ Boat Bottles

These model ships have fascinated me ever since I was young. To be quite honest, it doesn’t really have to come from the movie for me to appreciate it. These tiny but detailed structures are a definite conversation piece in any household. People would think I like to sail (but I don’t, cause I get seasick), but it’s something one would like to display on your house – probably in your living room – to provide a feel of elegance and complexity but at the same time, regal.

7. Thor’s Hammer 

Yeah, another superhero prop. Just because it’s amazing and I’d like to think I’m “worthy”. And yes, it’s higher than the previous three just because it is.

6. Captain America’s Shield

Because Captain America. I’d probably repurpose it to become something else, but most likely will just have it on display for everyone to marvel at.

5. Maleficent’s Staff

More than her defining horns and generally black get-up, her staff is what truly makes Maleficent’s a force to be reckoned with. It houses her powers and controls it – it can be a symbol of power. Learning her backstory was quite sweet, touching and well a bit off-character, but who cares? Her staff has been with her through her troubled times which can serve as a reminder that whenever we stumble or fall, we can always come back from it.

4. Finnick Odair’s Trident

Because it looks modernly cool.

3. Percy Jackson’s Pen/Sword Riptide

Though I understand that in real life, a pen can NEVER turn into a sword, the idea of it is unique that I praised Rick Riordan for it. It’s also something that I hope I had – a seemingly helpless pen that can become your greatest weapon – which is highly reflective of what Percy Jackson’s character is. He started out as a simple person and eventually became this great savior.

2. Thranduil’s Sword and Crown

Because it’s so amazingly crafted. Don’t you agree? Elves forge the most amazing and intricately designed weapons and armors. Whenever I take those online Lord of the Rings exams, I end up being an elf and I find it accurate. If I were in the LOTR universe, I’d most definitely be an elf. It made it to number 2 because I want to walk around the house wearing his crown and wielding his sword. ‘Nuff said.

1. Hermione Granger’s Time-Turner 

Now I know it’s something that will never work in real life, but I just HAVE to have it. I mean, really. The very thought of having that magical item is almost close to having the power to reverse time. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do and try but of course, my muggle ancestry will prevent me from doing so. I just want to have it to feel like I have the potential to do it. It doesn’t make sense, but there’s a certain satisfaction at having things – and I’d like to have that and hopefully, the ability to do so. I want it to symbolize what I want to achieve – and that I should live my life in the best way possible because I can never have it back again.

And because Hermione Granger/Emma Watson is amazing.

So that wraps up the list. With all honesty, I have more to add but I’d like to keep it at 10. Shoutout to for asking such a thought-provoking question! is an online auction catalogue of amazing items that could have come from movies or more like the DL-44 blaster used by Harrison Ford in the Star Wars movie. Drop them a visit to check out what they have in their memorabilia section that might interest you! I had fun, and I hope to receive/generate more ideas like this.


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